Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Wednesday February 13, 2007

This morning the sky was clear of clouds and the birds were making a lot of noise. I must have 400 red winged blackbirds that hang out around my place and they are not known for singing, they just make noise. Never the less, I enjoy the birds. The weather man says it’s going to be a high of 50 degrees today so I went ahead and took the blankets off my horses. I’m sure they’ll all enjoy rolling around in their stalls and scratching their backs.
The photo I've posted is a sunset that I got on January 16th. I love the way the mountians look like layers and the cloudes are in a swirling pattern. It's one of my favorites. I was driving home and could see this one forming all the way. I drove as fast as I could so I could get a shot of it from home but came to realize that it was going to be gone before I made it to the top of the hill. I turned off right outside of Yamhill, climbed up to the top of the hill there and pulled off to get this shot. I sat there for about 10 minutes taking several photos of the sunset and didn't realize until I was leaving that the homeowner whose driveway I was parked in was standing there glaring at me. SORRY!

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