Monday, February 18, 2008

Monday, February 18, 2008

Good morning everyone. Today's photo is one of my most favorite people in the world, my loving husband, John. He's so photogenic in all his ruggedness.  We had been up in the hills behind our house looking for elk and messing around in the snow when he decided to be silly and make this little petrography of Riley. Riley wouldn’t pose with him so he posed by himself while Riley pouted in the background.

The weather is clear and warm today. I actually wore a dress and open toed sandals to work much to the shock and disbelief of everyone that knows me. Of course my feet were still in their mid winter state so a pedicure was one of the first things on my list of things to do today, MUCH BETTER!

I got my laptop fixed today thank you Steve Nichols!!!! I also bought my best friend Jamie a laptop of her own from him so she can check her emails and put stuff on Criagslist without my help. This will make both hers and my lives a bit easier. She’s a dammed good friend and I feel good doing things for her. Friends like her a few and far in-between and I am very blessed to have many good friends like her.

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