Monday, September 1, 2008

Long, Hard, Good Weekend.

Today is the last day of my extra long weekend, I really don't want to go back to work but I sure need the money.

Over the weekend I did a lot of riding. The two horses that are here in training got ridden every day. Socrates is finally moving out a lot better and I was finally able to get on Dusty. The first time I just sat on him for a minute or two but yesterday I actually had him walk around the arena a bit. He was excellent.

I was also able to take a couple nice trail rides up at the Flying M. Yesterday my freind Barbara and I rode all the way to the top of the mountain and back. Today, Don, Laura, John and I all took a couple hour ride on some of the lower trails then had a couple beers after. Both rides were wonderful and our horses, as ususal were awsome.

As far as working around here goes, I managed to get the house cleaned up though right now it doesn't look like it. I worked on the firewood for quite a bit and the pile doesn't look nearly as big as I'd like it too. Tricia and I also worked on the basement a bit. We got the two bedrooms textured and after I scrape the walls down both rooms will be ready for paint.

The dogs all enjoyed having me home for five days. I have 3 dogs here right now; Toby - my dog, Cindi - the old dalmation I'm watching, and Foxy - a little corgie looking thing I'm watching. All of these danged dogs makes for a lot of danged dog poop. peeeeuww!

Today's Photo is courtesy of the "Kiwi Cam". This is Kiwi and Stinki traveling down one of my favorite trails.

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