Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Are things starting to pick up?

Are they? I sure hope so! Last night was definitely a busy one at our place.

I have washed river sand on top of a hard clay base, it gets dusty in there so I have to keep it watered and that of course with all of the riding I've been doing in there causes it to compact. I spent nearly an hour trying to break up the footing in my indoor arena with the tractor and box blade. Even with the fingers as low as they will go and the box blade angled downward it took several times around to get the footing broken up. Then I went over it with the harrow so now my arena looks great.

I had another horse dropped off for a month of training last night. This is a big beautiful Thoroughbred gelding named Norman. He seems to be pretty level headed and the guy just wants to use him for hunting and trail riding so I'm thinking this should be a pretty good gig for me. The owner of this horse is the same guy that ended up with a horse that I had rescued a couple of years ago. He brought that horse with him so I could see how he looked and dam that horse is NICE LOOKING! The guy just loves the horse to pieces.

The Big Red Horse did extremely well last night even with the drama of a new horse moving in. She is moving of my left leg very nicely but I'm having a dickens of a time getting her to move off my right. I really need to think this through and figure out what I need to do it get her going in that direction. She is just starting to neck reign a bit with leg aids.

We had to deliver a load of hay to one of the people that adopted one of the Gopher Valley horses from me. I'm really not fond of delivering hay but this is a nice way for me to keep tabs on the horse and make sure that all is going well. That horse is now living the life of pampered luxury and he deserves it. Seeing him last night made me realize that a checkup call on the two other Gopher Valley horses is overdue.

Today's photo is a funny one that I took of a friend’s horse while he was napping on my lawn. I carefully arranged the beer bottles and boxes around here for a nice effect. Luckily for me that horse is a sound sleeper so I was able to pull this one off! If that's not red neck enough for you, take a look on the deck in the background, there's an old toilet sitting there for all to see. HA!

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