Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The funny things that kids say.

Last week I had to go out on a follow up cruelty investigation with one of the local Sheriffs. I had to take Riley with me because I didn't have anyone to watch him for me. I tried to drop him off at my mom's but he started bawling and said he didn't want to go to Great Grandma's. When I asked him why not he said, "Because she's too old for me!" Dang it was hard to not fall over laughing!

So, off we go to meet up with the Sheriff and since I had a child in a car seat Riley and I just followed him out to the site. The poor Sheriff got confused on the road and had to turn around 3 different times on the way there. The third time he turned around Riley said, "Grandma, that crazy cop is yost again!" I laughed so hard I just about went off the road.

You've got to love those brutally honest little kids with speech impediments.

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