Wednesday, April 9, 2008

We love our Grandchildren

We have Riley every weekend and he never stops comming up with ways to make us laugh or just say awwwwww. That kids is extremely entertaining to us. In this photo, he had just gotten a hair cut and taken a bath and was spending some time acting like he was a muscle man. He had a blast giving me several posses for the camera.

Saturday, the weather wasn't too bad so we were able to spend some time outside picking flowers and petting the horses. I saddled Honey up so Riley could take a short ride and that didn't go too well. Honey decided to be a pill and Riley came off. It was his first time falling off a horse, poor little guy. But he was such a trooper and I managed to get him back on the poney and lead him around a bit more.

In the evening when it was time to bring all of the horses in for the night, he wanted to help me with the ponies. So I took Honey and he got Gigi and with just a piece of baling twine around her neck, Riley led Gigi all the way to the barn and into her stall. Gigi was so good for him! She walked nice and slow so he could keep up and she never tried to stop and eat or pull on him in any way.

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